Celestial Navigation calculations with perpetual almanac, star finder, lines of position, astronomical position, meridian passage.
Windows desktop version includes VRTool charting and GPS/NMEA interface
for Windows

Download and
Also available as a CD ROM
with printed manual, from Celestaire Inc

This virtual sextant app uses the phone sensors and camera to read the altitude of celestial objects.
Turn your phone into a simple marine sextant for celnav training.
On screen, real time display of stars and planets. Great for celestial object identification.
Free app
Download for iOS and Android


Worldwide sailing simulation using physics. Sail the world with real time winds. Embedded VRTool for route planing.
Earn OPYCoins.
Free sailing game. Available for Windows, iOS and Android.
Free app
Download for Windows

Download for iOS and Android


Charting app with tools and numerical calculations for sailors. With NOAA GFS wind forecasts (from our own server), track planning, weather routing, GSHHS charts, GPS interface, Polar chart creation and edition, NMEA talker. Integration with Navigator and VRTool desktop.
Free app
Download for Windows

Download for iOS and Android
