VRTool 2.90 release notes (feb/2019)

VRTool 2.90 release notes
released feb19 by oMAR
Changes in version 2.90
- Changed NOAA wind forecast import procedure to comply with
requirement of https protocol to access GFS data (and all US federal institutions).
This is a mandatory update, as they will be no longer serving http after feb/19,
breaking the functionality on previous versions.
- Implemented the download of wind forecasts from the VRTool web server
at http://www.tecepe.com.br (which I maintain). This service packages GFS data in a more compact format.
The default wind grid served by VRTool webserver has the following properties:
This wind grid is optimized for weather routing.
The small 3 hour interval allow the simulation to capture
the weather variation during the day.
This is now the preferred and default method to import wind forecasts
into the program. The old direct NOAA download of gribs is still available.
Choose wind source in the Wind Options. The new method is much faster
The same wind data source is used by:
- A new weather routing calculation that runs on a separate thread of execution
(i.e. in background), without interfering with normal program usage.
(Previous version rendered the computer unusable during the calculation)
The old procedure is still available. To run the new method, use the [WR new] button.
This allow for gradual weather routing showing the short-term/long term tension.
- Navigator only - Implemented position by Sun set-Sun rise
This is a calculation suggested by Ross Williams, a running
fix using only the times of sunrise and sunset.
- Tool bar layout changed to fix issue with Windows 10.
- Trackbar to set the wind time animation.
To download/update, go to
https://www.tecepe.com.br/nav/vrtool/do ... efault.php
Release manifest:
file: setupVRTool_290.exe
md5 checksum: 05321FED4804D52253B1775C664F7BDC
size: 19,791,104 bytes
publisher: Carvalho e Reis P.D. Ltda
compatible w/ 32/64 bit PCs w/ Windows XP, Server, Vista, W7, W8, W10
released feb19 by oMAR
Changes in version 2.90
- Changed NOAA wind forecast import procedure to comply with
requirement of https protocol to access GFS data (and all US federal institutions).
This is a mandatory update, as they will be no longer serving http after feb/19,
breaking the functionality on previous versions.
- Implemented the download of wind forecasts from the VRTool web server
at http://www.tecepe.com.br (which I maintain). This service packages GFS data in a more compact format.
The default wind grid served by VRTool webserver has the following properties:
- * NOAA GFS data / Source nomads.ncep.noaa.gov
* Updated every 6 hours
* Size 40x40 deg
* Interval 3 hours
* Resolution 1.0 deg
* Up to 144 hours
* Vars TWS, TWD, Pressure and Temperature
This wind grid is optimized for weather routing.
The small 3 hour interval allow the simulation to capture
the weather variation during the day.
This is now the preferred and default method to import wind forecasts
into the program. The old direct NOAA download of gribs is still available.
Choose wind source in the Wind Options. The new method is much faster

The same wind data source is used by:
- On WIndows PCs: Navigator desktop, VRTool desktop
On iOS/Android: VRTool mobile and OPYC game.
- A new weather routing calculation that runs on a separate thread of execution
(i.e. in background), without interfering with normal program usage.
(Previous version rendered the computer unusable during the calculation)
The old procedure is still available. To run the new method, use the [WR new] button.
This allow for gradual weather routing showing the short-term/long term tension.
- Navigator only - Implemented position by Sun set-Sun rise
This is a calculation suggested by Ross Williams, a running
fix using only the times of sunrise and sunset.
- Tool bar layout changed to fix issue with Windows 10.
- Trackbar to set the wind time animation.
To download/update, go to
https://www.tecepe.com.br/nav/vrtool/do ... efault.php
Release manifest:
file: setupVRTool_290.exe
md5 checksum: 05321FED4804D52253B1775C664F7BDC
size: 19,791,104 bytes
publisher: Carvalho e Reis P.D. Ltda
compatible w/ 32/64 bit PCs w/ Windows XP, Server, Vista, W7, W8, W10