Forum rules

This forum is intended to support vrtool software users.
* Open to the general public. Anonymous users can read the posts.
* Only registered users can post messages to the forum.
* New users are welcome to register and participate with questions, bug reports or any post related to vrtool.
* New user's first couple posts are subject to moderator approval before publication (may take some time).
* No off-topic posts.
* No improper posts (spam, offensive, porno etc).
* Uploading images to this server is not allowed (except for avatar icon).
* Be polite. Have fun.
* Open to the general public. Anonymous users can read the posts.
* Only registered users can post messages to the forum.
* New users are welcome to register and participate with questions, bug reports or any post related to vrtool.
* New user's first couple posts are subject to moderator approval before publication (may take some time).
* No off-topic posts.
* No improper posts (spam, offensive, porno etc).
* Uploading images to this server is not allowed (except for avatar icon).
* Be polite. Have fun.